Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Importance of Friendly Local Game Stores

Gaming, like any hobby, requires its own set of paraphernalia: Game Books, Miniatures, Dice, Play Mats and any number of other supplies. Friendly Local Game Stores (FLGS) supply these, but so to do any number of online sources.

But I feel that FLGS's do more than that. They provide a place for gamers to congregate and interact with others who share our hobby. I can't count the number of times that I have gone into a normal bookstore to buy gaming supplies and have had the employees there look at me like I was some sort of freak. I clearly remember going into Barnes & Nobels to buy a D&D book and had the girl behind the counter ask me, "So, you play D&D?" in the same tone of voice that she would have asked, "So, you eat human flesh?"

All people strive for a sense of community with like minded individuals, and a FLGS is the heart of that sort of community. Not only does it give us a place to gather, but also aids in bringing new gamers into the hobby, thereby insuring the survival of Gaming. It is important for us, as gamers, to recognize its importance; particularly today, when most gamers can find the products that a FLGS sell for a lower price online. It is important for gamers to give patronage to these small buisnesses, not just because they supply us with the supplies we need for our hobby, but also for the place they hold in maintaining the general health of gaming in our area.

Today, I discovered a new FLGS in the Greensboro Area: The Grinning Gamer. Located at 2416A Spring Garden St, The Grinning Gamer is everything I look for in a FLGS. Not only does it have a wonderful selection of games, minatures, dice and other gaming supplies, but the owner is a gamer himself. It is such a wonderful feeling to be able to purchase my gaming supplies and at the same time discuss the hobby with the shopkeep. Finally Greensboro has a truly friendly local game store again, and I call upon everyone to drop by and take a look at what they have to offer.

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